RIESENIA.com - web design and web site development, SEO and SEM services

Riešenia spol, s.r.o., Business Identification Number. 35948345, with its registered office at Mestská 10, 831 04 Bratislava, Slovakia, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the County Court in Bratislava, Section Sro, Insert 37036/B (“Riešenia” or “AdBOOST” or “we” ) as the controller is committed to protecting the personal data of its customers (and the personal data of their clients) in accordance with applicable data protection legislation. This Privacy Policy describes how AdBOOST collects, processes and protects the personal data of its customers during visits to our websites at the domain adboost.sk (“our websites”) and/or when using our Services.

For more information on how we collect and handle data in please see AdBOOST Privacy Policy page.

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Our customers said
Prečítajte si názory našich zákazníkov
Viera Klementová
Director for Slovakia,
Slovak-Czech women found

„The idea of Slovak-Czech women found to show off strong women from Slovak non-governmental organizations got a new dimension after RIESENIA.com got involved. RIESENIA.com assisted us to share the impressions from photo exhibition among 4 Slovak cities and attractively present profile of interesting women at the web site www.superzeny.sk Cooperation with RIESENIA.com team was fast, friendly and creative – exactly the way our non-profit organization needed.“

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Adwords Qualified Individual (17.3.2009)
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